Life is a journey and you got to be able to roll with the good and the bad and find success every day.
I’ve been slacking on the blogging because I haven’t felt inspired. But today my inspiration is back and I figured I should put words out.
Day 1. Day 1 of a new month. Day 1 of a new week. Day 1 of my fitness journey take 500.
The best part of the lifestyle I choose to lead which is an active physical lifestyle as well as a mental healthy life style is that no matter what happens I get to jump back on the train and know that I will be stronger than yesterday.
Today was a Monday. It has been my motto to never miss a Monday. Today happened to be a workout with josh. Which also happen to be my best workouts. I always seem to strive for more when I’m being pushed and encouraged by him. Either way today also marks the beginning of my pledge to stay on track for the month of may. You see I’ve fallen off the beaten path and took some detours ate some delicious food and traveled and slacked on my workouts. All it really got me was an upset stomach and very irritable. But here’s the thing. My journey and my way of life is that each day I strive to be better than I was yesterday.
I fight each day to be a better person and stronger both physically and mentally. Recently I started publicly speaking my story to help encourage others. Public speaking is much more different than hiding behind my computer screen writing this. But being able to speak and motivate has really inspired me. Being able to reach someone and help them makes me know that I am doing the right thing.
Today was day 1. Day 1 is always the hardest. Getting back on track is tough but I know I can do it because I’ve done it before. I am stronger today than I was yesterday and tomorrow I will be even stronger.
Win that mental battle. Starting a new job has been stressful and absolutely exhausting but I always have a better day after a solid workout. It gives me the energy to fuel my day. I know that working out isn’t for everyone but in order to mentally be healthy you have to find a way to relieve your stress. For me that is by physically sweating that stress away. Giving myself that time to do me. To push my body in ways it’s never been pushed. To achieve things that were not even on the radar before. To feel better and more confident that I’ve ever felt.
Find that something. Find that place that makes you feel absolutely stress free. You deserve it. You were not put on this earth to work every day and serve everyone else. This is your life and you have to live it. Fill your glass before you fill everyone else’s. If you consistently fill everyone else’s glass before your own you soon will have nothing left to give. Find that time for you. Whether you have to wake up 30 minutes earlier than do it. Trust me I wasn’t a morning person before. But I know that if I give me time to wake up and do me. Rather than sleep and rush to get ready for work my day will be a lot better.
Starting the day off with a workout or ten minutes of reading can really change the course of the day. It’s hard to be positive. Sometimes you have to start small. Find positives within periods of time and soon everything will fall into place.
So whether today is day one day 30 day 365 or you haven’t quite started know that tomorrow you will wake up and have the choose to start or continue. Tomorrow is a new day and you get to leave today’s troubles in the past. You may not physically be ready to begin but start the mental process because the mental fight is the hardest part. You can always always start again. No matter how far you fall you can always stand back up and dust yourself off! The best part is knowing you’ve done it before so there is no reason you won’t be able to do it again!
And for those days you just aren’t sure you can do it. Put on your superhero shirt and find that power of will and realize you can do!!!