Hello All,
My name is Tiffany Gervasi and I am a 25-year-old Kinesiology graduate living in beautiful North Western Ontario.
I have not always had the easiest road to get to where I am today but one thing that has always gotten me through is the support I feel from those around me. In the paragraphs below you will learn my story but first I just want to say that I hope this blog will help give you the inspiration and motivation required to get through whatever it is you are trying to get through. Together we can inspire and motivate each other to achieve any goal you want to reach whether it be rehabilitation, adjusting to life with a disability, lose weight or just live an overall healthy lifestyle!
So let the journey begin!
At the age of twelve, I dislocated my knee for the first time by the time I was 17 my knee was dislocating on the regular and I underwent my first knee surgery. By the time I was 21 I had gone under three more surgeries and was told I would never walk again. In 2014 at the age of 23 I was given the opportunity to go down to Southern Ontario and had another surgery that was successful and I began my journey to recovery! On March 10th, 2015 I woke up completely paralyzed on the right side of my body and I was unable to move my arm or my right leg. I was again told that I would never walk again and had to prove to the doctors that no matter what I was going to walk out of the hospital! Which is exactly what I did!
Since then I have spent the last year working hard to get back to where I feel I should be and it has not been easy! Sweat, tears, and hard work every day have brought me to where I am and I hope that this blog will help someone else find the strength to break free from the norm and become the best person they can become! Remembering that no matter what limitation someone places on you, only you decide if that limitation will stick or if you can overcome! All starts with believing in yourself!
“Courage- not the absence of fear or despair, but the strength to conquer them.”
A wise friend once told me “Bad things HAVE to happen to the good and strong, because if they didn’t then those people wouldn’t be able to become better or stronger. Also, it’s only the strong people in the world that can handle the tough things, because if bad things happened to the weak they wouldn’t survive it. It’s up to us to show up mother nature, tell her to go f*** herself because we’ll defeat anything she throws our ways because we’re warriors”.
Join me on this journey and fight against mother nature. I hope I can inspire you to become the best person. If not I am sure you can find some humor in the stories I have to share! Just remember one thing…you can achieve whatever you put your mind to! I was told twice so far in my life that I would never walk again and I can jog!